Friday, August 26, 2011

perfectly imperfect

It is my biggest challenge- to break through the illusion that my life should some how look like some one else's.  Blessed be this life I have co-created out of my freedom to choose.  A life that is by no means perfect but filled with perfect moments- of joy and hardship, perfect mis-communications- if their could be such a thing- so that I might remember how to better emulate the person I want to be.  Blessed be the perfect imperfections that plague my dissipating judgement.  And blessed be all those who witness the grace of life unfolding, just as it is, to help us remember all we set out to be. 

1 comment:

  1. i had a recent discovery related to this!! If you havent read Simplicity Parenting i'm pretty sure you'd love it... :-) Good for u learning while on your path... it's not easy but it is definitely blessed :-)
